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December 05, 2006



Hi Mark,

I would be glad to be there.


Benjamin Carlu

Would be please to be part of this gathering.

See you all at le Web3 on Monday and tuesday, and at the dinner on wednesday


Dear Marc,
As a European VC, I have linked to you on my site:
Please check it out, I would love to know your comments on it. I was also wondering if you had any advice for VC's first starting out as you did, what were the first and immediate priorities that you had to overcome?
Sincered Regards,


Bright brain works better with heavy stomac. I'll join you with pleasure for this greedy trilogy : 1,2, 3days.0

guido van nispen

There is probably no chance of moving the dinner to the Tuesday evening? I would love to join, but I'll be back for Amsterdam Wednesday...


I'll be there ;)

Jacques Froissant (Altaîde : le recrutement 2.0)

J'y serais !


I will be delighted to join you, dear gentlemen, and do again my "customization demos" for your eyes only ;)

Colette Ballou Lamotte

Lucie & I are in, of course!

Colette Ballou Lamotte

Please add our friend Leila from the WSJ, won't you? Should keep conversation lively!

Mathieu Nouzareth

I'll be there

Scott Rafer

I'll join too.

John Vars

I'd like to join as well. Thanks.

jamin rubio

I be there two

David de JobMeeters

Once again, I'll be there

Laurent Esposito

I'll make a pitch in the morning at Leweb3, about our user-generated webzines portal YouVox. And I would be pleased to attend this dinner.

Richard Menneveux

Si David vient, alors i will be there!!! ;-)

Christian Jegourel

I'll be there too

Carlos Diaz

i would be glad to be part of it


I'll be there too

guido van nispen

Super I'll be there! ciao Guido

Cedric Maloux

Would love to join you all with my co-founder.


Florent Boutellier

Jean & I will be there.


Mayel de Borniol

I would be glad to join you.

In any case, see you at leweb3 !

David Grunberger

Hello Mark,

Just had lunch with Rodrigo S. Will be glad to join you for diner as I have started a new company. Can you confirm if there is a seat available? Best David

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