I'm getting ready for the reboot8 conference that will start on Wednesday evening in Copenhagen. Let me know if you plan to attend so we can meet there.
I'm also very interested in any feedback/question/idea to prepare for a workshop that's hosting on Building profitable OSS business.
I plan to review and organise a discussion on how Profitable Businesses have been build on scalable OSS operation (MySQL, JBoss, RedHat etc...) . How do we move up the stack and build profitable un-scalable OSS businesses. The workshop will reflect on what happen as we move up into application areas (SugarCRM and up the food chain) and if/how/what can be done to build profitable un-scalable vertical OSS businesses.
Update 1: good pre-reboot8 post from Dannie Jost:
1. who we are: reboot is a gathering of 400 or so people all with a vested interest to some degree or another in internet technology, software, social software, technology itself, society. the kinds of people whom we are so fond of calling geeks. that is, those rare souls that dare to break a few old worn out patterns and to explore new territory.
2. the world that we live in: whatever it is that we want to call our age - information, digital, knowledge, techno-freaked-muddled, post-industrial, web 2.0 - it is an age where resources are plenty and easily sourced. logistics and knowledge do playrole. part of the logistics is the communication, and that is where most information technology finds itself. a major
3. my observation/assertion: there is a paradigm shift currently taking place in what concerns creating a thriving business.a thriving business is a business that is sustainable. to me a business is sustainable when it makes its community prosper (read, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, peaceful). note that for a community to prosper, maintaining the status quo is not a requirement. all to say that business is about people.business is not about goods or money, but about people making their world - this world now - work for them and allowing all to live in dignity.
4. my inference: in a world where resources are abundant and that is dependent on both logistics and communication, the key resource is intelligence. ifjewels of our age are intellectual assets, how are we going to deal with intellectual property rights? the crown
That's a great info. Thanks for sharing, really like your view. I can see that you are putting a lot of time and effort into your blog. Keep posting the good work.
Posted by: Business Plan Writing | November 16, 2009 at 09:32 AM